How Does Clear Aligner Therapy Work? What You Need to Know

Jan 3, 2022

A recent survey has found that more than half of Americans (57%) feel insecure about their teeth and cover their mouths when they laugh. A third of respondents say that they always try to smile without opening their mouths. A total of 70% of respondents admitted to feeling self-conscious about their teeth.

Our teeth are one of our most visible features and often the first thing that we notice when we meet someone. People with straight teeth are perceived as being wealthier and more successful.

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile, clear aligner therapy may be the perfect option for you. Clear aligners can help to improve your physical appearance as well as boost your self-esteem and confidence.

In this blog post, we will highlight everything you need to know about clear aligner therapy and how it can benefit the appearance of your smile, your overall dental health, and your confidence. Let’s get started.

What Are Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners are a popular type of orthodontic treatment used to correct crooked or misaligned teeth. They can also be used to correct bite issues, such as underbite and overbite. There is a range of different types of clear aligners, with Invisalign perhaps the most well-known brand.

Made from an elastic thermoplastic material, clear aligners are used to apply gentle pressure to teeth in order to move them into place. Clear aligners, while doing the same job as traditional braces, are practically invisible. This makes them a great choice for people, especially adults, who are conscious of wearing visible braces.

Clear aligners are best suited to patients with mild to moderate issues. They are typically worn for around 20 to 22 hours per day.

Other common types of braces include metal braces, Damon braces, ceramic braces, lingual braces, and self-litigating braces. Apart from lingual braces, which are attached to the back of the teeth, these options are far more visible than clear aligners. Lingual braces often require longer treatment times than clear aligners.

What Is Involved With Wearing Clear Aligners?

The first step when choosing clear aligner therapy is to create a 3D image of your mouth and jaw. This allows your orthodontist to create a customized plan and a series of clear aligners that will be worn during your treatment 

While each case is different, patients will typically switch to a new set of clear aligners every couple of weeks. Over the course of the treatment, the clear aligners will gradually move your teeth into the desired position.

Wearing clear aligners really is that simple. Because they are practically invisible, your friends and colleagues may not even know that you are wearing them. They will, of course, notice your great new smile at the end of the treatment!

What Are the Benefits of Clear Aligner Therapy?

There are a host of great benefits to wearing clear aligners. We have already noted that they are practically invisible, which is in stark contrast to other types of braces, especially metal braces. They are also incredibly comfortable to wear, so much so that you may even forget that you are wearing braces at all.

While other types of braces are nonremovable, clear aligners are removable as needed. This is useful when you are eating food, brushing your teeth, or taking photos. With traditional braces, you may be restricted in your diet, while this is not the case with clear aligners.

Maintaining a good oral hygiene routine is essential when you are straightening your teeth. Clear aligners can be removed when you are brushing and flossing your teeth and the aligners themselves are easy to clean and maintain.

Clear aligner therapy requires fewer dental visits than other types of braces and treatment length is also short. While each case is different, you can expect treatment to last on average approximately 12 to 18 months. What’s more, clear aligners are an affordable option, as we will see below.

How Much Do Clear Aligners Cost?

The exact cost of clear aligner therapy will differ from patient to patient. Some of the factors that determine the overall cost of clear aligner treatment include:

  • How much work is required
  • Your current oral health needs
  • Your location and average prices there
  • Labor fees by the orthodontist
  • How much your insurance plan will cover

As an example, the Consumer Guide for Dentistry puts the average cost of Invisalign clear aligner treatment at between $3,000 and $5,000. This is equivalent to traditional metal braces, which have an approximate cost of between $2,000 to $6,000. As noted, the exact cost is determined case-by-case.

Lingual braces, braces fitted behind the teeth, are the most expensive option. They have an average price of $8,000 to $10,000. Given that clear aligners are almost as invisible as lingual braces, they represent a far more affordable option.

For Clear Aligners, Choose the Best Dentist In Union, KY

Clear aligner therapy is the best way to straighten teeth and improve the appearance of your smile.

At Toothologie, we offer a free consultation to anyone interesting in getting clear aligners and nightguards. Once we establish your personalized treatment plan, you will be ready to start your journey to a great smile.

We specialize in all kinds of cosmetic dentistry, designed to help you smile your brightest smile. In addition to clear aligners, we offer dental veneers, teeth whitening, crowns, gum recontouring, and much more. You can contact our friendly and professional team.

We look forward to speaking with you.